An article to explain how easy it is to answer some working needs using Microsoft Powershell.
In my job, I happen to have the need to search some data written inside files.
Three classic requests:
1) I need to remember some info about a meeting (I take always notes during meetings)
2) I need to get a statistic about how many customers asked a particular feature
3) I need to search for some errors in application logs
In this short article, I show you how to answer.
In my example, I need to find a string with the content “find me” in my Documents folder
The PowerShell command is:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path “C:\Users\VBR\Documents\” | Select-String Pattern “find me”
it is composed of two parts separated by a vertical bar (|)
In the first part, the command will search all files into the path C:\Users\VBR\Documents\ (Recurse)
In the second will search the type (string) and the object (pattern)
I like the idea of saving the results of the command in a file and also having just the path of the string I searched.
The command is changed as you can see below:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path “C:\Users\VBR\Documents\Test-Find” | Select-String -Pattern “find me” | select path | Out-File C:\Scripts\Results\search_script_out.txt
To remember:
All PowerShell commands support wild card (*, ?, [ ]), which means you can search any string in your environment.