This third part will cover the restoration options.
If you need to know how to set the portal up or the option it can provide, please read the previous articles (Part-1 – Part-2)
Let’s start with Exchange Environment:
Clicking on the Exchange voice located on the top part of the web page (in picture 1 it is highlighted with a green arrow )
Picture 1
After selecting the organization you want to restore data from (in my case is myTEST-Environment as shown in picture 2), just choose the restore point you need (Picture 3).
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4 shows the mail-boxes previously saved that you can restore.
Picture 4
What’s happening on VBO-365? As shown in picture 5 the portal has triggered a classical restore task.
Picture 5
Which are the restore option available in the portal for the Exchange environment? As shown in picture 6, you can download the mail as a pst file (it requires outlook client installed) or restore to the original or different location as shown in picture 7.
Picture 6
Picture 7
To finish the restore tasks just click on stop restore (Picture 8 and 9).
Picture 8
Picture 9
And what about restore of One-Drive and Sharepoint items?
The procedure is very similar and the restore options are shown in pictures 10 and 11.
Picture 10
Picture 11
VBO-365 v.5 has introduced support for Microsoft-365 Teams. It is not still available in this portal and I hope it will come soon. Stay tuned 🙂
A service provider asked me to help him to design a backup service where the main topic was Microsoft 365.
I’m sure many of you already know and already use Veeam Backup for Office 365.
It is an excellent solution to address an end-user request and to allow a Service provider to supply a managed service.
But what about unmanaged service?
In other words: is it possible to give an admin of an organization a way to perform backup and restore by himself in a multi-tenant architecture?
The answer came from the great job of two Veeam guys.
Niels Engelen and Timothy De Win have developed a web portal leveraging the native VBO-365 RESTFul-API that allows the service provider to score the goal. The project is called MARTINI.
Just a note before starting: the articles have been written “for dummy”; the scope is explaining step by step the procedure I followed to design service.
To remember:
This is not a Veeam Project so it is NOT officially supported.
It requires and automatically installs the following packages:
apache2, mysql-server mysql-client, PHP, php-xml, composer, zip unzip php-mysql and Terraform.
At the end of this setup the screen output shows the following output.
#MySQL commands:
CREATE USER ‘martinidbo’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘mypasswordthatissupersecret’;
GRANT ALL ON martini.* TO ‘martinidbo’@’localhost’;
# Ubuntu older
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ‘martinidbo’@’localhost’ WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0;
# Ubuntu 20.04
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ‘martinidbo’@’localhost’;
Now connect to mySQL DB using the following command:
mysql -u root -p
If the error shown in picture 1 appears it is necessary to follow the procedure described below:
Picture 1
– sudo mysql – select user,host,plugin from mysql.user; output -> root | localhost | auth_socket
the output is shown in picture 2 and it checks the plugin used for any MySQL users.
Picture 2
If it is auth_socket to user root just change it with the following command
– update mysql.user set plugin=’mysql_native_password’ where user=’root’; – select user,host,plugin from mysql.user; output root | localhost | mysql_native_password
the output shown in picture 3 confirms it is correctly changed.
Picture 3
– flush privileges;
– quit
Now retype the previous command (mysql -u root -p) and please continue with the procedure if it still doesn’t work as shown in picture 4 :
– ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘new_password‘;
– flush privileges; – quit
at this point reboot the server.
The command mysql -u root -p shows the following output:
Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.
Let’s go back to martini checking if the database and the new user have been created with the command:
mysql> show databases;
If it doesn’t appear use the following steps: – use mysql – show tables; – CREATE USER ‘martinidbo’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘mypassword-‘; – GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO ‘martinidbo’@’localhost’; – FLUSH PRIVILEGES; – CREATE DATABASE martini;
Now re-launch the martini setup command
– sudo martini-cli setup
selecting no when the prompt asks if it is the first run and follow the easy wizard as shown in picture 5.