VMware Broadcom – Cosa fare ?

Broadcom's Acquisition of VMware Closed: What Now?

Broadcom ha dato una grande scossa al  2024.

Dagli ultimi rumors, sembra che il licensing della appena acquisita VMware verrà pesantemente rivisto.

Uno dei primi risultati è che molti clienti si chiedono cosa sia giusto fare.

Non ho la pretesa di conoscere la risposta corretta.

Ho effettuato alcune riflessioni che mi hanno portato a pensare a quattro futuri scenari  dei quali vi parlerò nel presente articolo.

  1. Il cliente continua la collaborazione con VMware/Broadcom.
  2. Il cliente sostituisce la tecnologia Hypervisor.
  3. Il cliente migra il proprio datacenter verso un Hyperscaler o  un Service Cloud Provider Locale.
  4. Il cliente trasforma il proprio Datacenter in un  “Datacenter as a Software”.

Per ogni scenario andrò ora a descrivere i macroscopici pro e contro.

1. Credo che il desiderato di Broadcom sia quello di semplificare il più possibile il licensing al fine di avere a portfolio soluzioni snelle e semplici da proporre.

Ciò implica eliminare alcune delle soluzioni ora presenti per concentrare le  energie unicamente su quelle a maggior rilevanza d’uso e guadagno.

Ora vi domando: Le soluzioni VMware ora presenti nel vostro datacenter sono quelle strategiche anche per Broadcom?

E ancora, siamo certi che l’ottimizzazione Broadcom non toccherà il dipartimento R&D di VMware che sviluppa le soluzioni divenute ora strategiche?

E non per ultimo, quale sarà il prezzo per poter rimanere nell’ecosistema Broadcom-VMware?

2. La prima sfida è quella di fornirsi di strumenti in grado di migrare le VM da una tecnologia HyperVisor all’altra.

La seconda è quella di proteggerle.

(NDR. Meno male che Veeam Backup & Replication permette di realizzare con un solo strumento entrambe le cose 🙂 )

Aggiungo, che bisognerà essere anche fortunati nello scegliere un vendor che non sia nel mirino di una nuova Broadcom, perché finire nello stesso giro dantesco sarebbe diabolico.

Pensare ad una tecnologia open-source based?

3. Il modello degli Hyper-Scaler è quello di fornire una serie di servizi  personalizzabili.

Spesso sento qualcuno affermare che esistano dei “costi nascosti”.  Non è vero, sono tutti ben illustrati, solo che capirli preventivamente è spesso molto difficile.

Avrà quindi particolare importanza la fase di creazione del progetto di migrazione che dovrà essere particolarmente accurata al fine di non ritrovarsi brutte sorprese  a fine mese .

4. Data Center as a Software è sinonimo di un’architettura Cloud Native.

Ciò implica riscrivere applicazioni e servizi in modo tale che siano  indipendenti dal HyperVisor.

E’ il nuovo approccio che negli anni diventerà un comune standard per scrivere codice.

Nel sito troverete una serie di articoli sul mondo Container e kubernetes ai quali vi rimando.

Tante domande, una sola risposta giusta?

No, credo che la migliore strategia sia quella di ricercare il miglior bilanciamento nell’utilizzo delle diverse opzioni disponibili, per arrivare a regime con la soluzione che si adatta al meglio alle necessità della vostra azienda in un corretto bilanciamento tra costi e benefici.

Ultima nota: Non dimenticate mai di aggiungere dei piani di formazione del personale perchè il training on the job in scenari particolarmente complessi NON è mai la via migliore per rendere sicuri i vostri sistemi ovunque questi siano

XFS – Resize the immutable file system

In the Veeam Backup & Replication environment, it may be necessary to expand the allocated space of a Linux repository.

In my environment, there is an Ubuntu 22.04 server to which a second disk(dev/sdb) was added, formatted as xfs, and made available as mount point /mnt/backup/ .

The server is used in hardened repository mode (immutability)

Let’s look at the simple procedure:

  • The packages to install are cloud-guest-utils and gdisk:
    “sudo apt -y install cloud-guest-utils gdisk”
  • To find out the structure of the file system use the command:
    “sudo lsblk”

      • The result shows the sizing, and mount point of Ubuntu server file system:
        sda 8:0 0 16G 0 disk
        ├─sda1 8:1 0 1M 0 part
        ├─sda2 8:2 0 1.8G 0 part /boot
        └─sda3 8:3 0 14.2G 0 part
        └─ubuntu–vg-ubuntu–lv 253:0 0 10G 0 lvm /
        sdb 8:16 0 100G 0 disk. └─sdb1 8:17 0 80G 0 part /mnt/backup
        sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
  • To find out if the file system has additional space to allocate:
    “sudo growpart /dev/sdb 1”

    • The result shows the item changed
      CHANGED: partition=1 start=2048 old: size=167770079 end=167772126 new: size=209713119 end=209715166
  • The final command that widens the file system is: sudo “xfs_growfs /mnt/backup/”
  • Check the result through the command already seen: sudo lsblk”

Veeam + ReFS: How much space you save

ReFS is the advanced file system from Microsoft that improves data availability through technologies that can:

  1. Ensuring greater resilience of data stored on the file system.
  2. Increase the performance in reading and writing.
  3. Improve the scalability (we are talking about millions of TB).

One of the most useful and widely used features in backup is the technology of Block-Cloning which allows Veeam Backup & Replication to create full backups equal in size to an incremental.

The operation logic is simple and consists of 3 phases:

  1. TheBackup copies to the target Repository (ReFS), the incremental data of the VM / Instances / Physical Servers/ Clients To be protected.
  2. The File System ReFS will take care of storing the new blocks and creating the metadatarelated to the newly written data.
  3. The option “create a Syntethic-full” actually triggers anoperation at the level of metadata. ReFS adds to the metadata just created, those related to previous backups, thus creating a new full child of the union of all the necessary metadata. To further simplify, a logical full is created without any block being copied/moved.

Note 1: The result is not only a saving in space but also in the time it takes to make the full.

Well, how is it possible to quantify the disk space saved in the repository (ReFS)?

Timothy DeWin has made a tool (blockstat.exe) perfect for this calculation, to which I refer you for all possible options.

In my case, I solved the client’s need through:

  1. Creation through powershell of a text file (Unicode format) that would search all the Backup files generated by Veeam Backup & Replication within the ReFS repository. (See image 1)
  2. Captured the output of the bloclstat command. (see image 2)

Picture 1

picture 2

SQL Reporting Server – Self Certificate & Veeam ONE

Veeam One is a splendid Advanced Analysis and Reporting tool for virtual and backup environments.

In an Enterprise architecture, the Veeam One roles are distributed on different Servers.

Let’s talk about the DataBase ( MS-SQL ), the Reporting Server ( SSRS ) and obviously the Veeam ONE Server ( VOS )

In this article, I will illustrate how you can streamline your reporting by creating an encrypted connection between Veeam ONE and the Reporting Server at the same time.

The procedure consists of three macro phases.

  1. The first creates the certificate that enables the HTTPS encrypted connection on the SSRS server.
  2. In the second, you configure SSRS to accept HTTPS connections.
  3. In the third, we configure the Veeam ONE server to use SSRS for reporting.

1- Creation of the certificate

If there is no certificate authority installed in your domain (like mine), you need to create a Self-Signed certificate.

Let’s see how to proceed:

On the SSRS , start a PowerShell console as administrator and run the following commands:

  1. New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert: \ LocalMachine \ my -dnsname NAMESERVER -NotAfter (Get-Date) .AddMonths (60) (replace NAMESERVER with your Server name).
  2. $ pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString ” yourpassword ” -asplainText -force (replace your password with a complicated one of your choice).
  3. $ file = ” C: \ MyFolder \ SQLcertificate.pfx ” (this is the location where the certificate will be exported ).
  4. Export-PFXCertificate -cert cert: \ LocalMachine \ My \< Thumbprint created from the output of the first command> -file $ file -Password $ pwd ( Copy the certificate to the file created in step 3 ).
  5. Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $ file cert: \ LocalMachine \ root -Password $ pwd ( imports the certificate into the SSRS ).

Now it’s time to copy the SQLcertificate.pfx file (point 3) into the VOS and proceed with its installation as indicated in the next lines.

  1. Double click on the file and in the first window choose ” Local Machine “.
  2. When prompted for the password , provide the one set in step 2.
  3. On the next screen select ” Place all certificates in the following store “, and after selecting Browse, select from the ” Trusted Root Certification Authorities ” list.
  4. Ok and after selecting Next, finish the installation.

2- SSRS configuration

Using the SSRS configuration manager it is possible to set the HTTPS connection as shown in images 1,2 and 3.

Picture 1

picture 2

Picture 3

3- Veeam ONE configuration

Images 4 and 5 show how to configure VOS to use SSRS to generate reports.

Picture 4

Picture 5

Note 1: From image 5 we can see that it is possible to test the connection via the Test Connection button.

Note 2: The details on which ports open in the firewalls are documented in the guide. ( helpcenter.veeam.com) ; remember to add port 443 🙂

See you soon

ESXi v.7: host patching

In this article, I will explain the procedure to upgrade the ESXi Host when the VMware environment consists of only one server.

Note 1: The first task is to update the vCenter ( VCSA ) by checking which ESXi versions are supported.

Note 2: The traditional method of updating ESXi Hosts uses the automated update process managed by the vCenter console.

Note 3: The DR site of my laboratory consists of a single VMware ESXi Host on which the secondary vCenter ( VCSA ) is present; in this scenario, the methodology indicated in note 1 cannot be used, since, during the update phase, the ESXi Host is placed in maintenance mode. In this state, all the VMs present are off (including the VCSA ).

The solution is to use the procedure on the VMware ESXi Patch Tracker site which consists of the following steps:

1- Selection of the software version that will be installed on the host at the end of the process (see image 1)

Picture 1

2- Determine the CLI commands to use during the update procedure:

The procedure is illustrated in the pop-up that appears when you click on the selected package (see image 2)

picture 2

3- Enable the ESXi Host for ssh connection (image 3)

Picture 3

4- Connect via ssh to the ESXi host and run the commands previously shown in the pop-up.

In my case:

  1. esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient
  2. esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-7.0U3d-19482537-standard \ -d https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml
  3. esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e false -r httpClient

5- Put the ESXi Host in Maintenance mode and restart it.

6- At the end, check that the update was successful (image 4 and 5)

Picture 4 – Pre Update

Picture 5 – Post Update

Note 4 : In case the hardware is not in the compatibility matrix, the advice is to use the option< –no-hardware-warning> . In my case the second command was changed to:

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-7.0U3d-19482537-standard \ -d https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml –no-hardware-warning

See you soon