An interesting board from bridge Club Monza.
You are seated South with the following cards: 54 Jxx AKTxx AKx.
After three passes, you open 1NT and West bid 2Clubs showing both majors. North bids Dbl showing at least 8 Hcp. East after several seconds bids Rdbl asking west to bid his best suit.
You pass and the bidding keeps on with 2 Spades. Your partner after just 1-second bids 3NT.
West leads is K of Spades and now is your turn to play the board
N: Axx-Kxx -Q9xx-xxx
S: 54-Jxx-AKTxx-AKx
- Who held the A of Hearts (if you want to maintain the contract)?
- How do you play?
- After 1NT you bid always pass. What would have been the meaning of DBL by you on second round?