Veeam CDP – Manual Upgrade

Nel mio laboratorio, il sito di Disaster Recovery è composto da un singolo host ESX 7.01.

Viene gestisto da un vCenter virtuale (denominato vCenter-DR), che afferisce esclusivamente alle risorse hardware messe a disposizione dallo stesso host ESX 7.01.

Lo scorso mese Veeam Software ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento di Veeam Backup & Replication 11A.

Tra le diverse migliorie introdotte, la mia attenzione si è concentrata sui nuovi driver (detti I/O filters) della componente CDP.

Se nel cluster principale, l’aggiornamento è stato semplice, immediato e indolore (vista la presenza di più host sotto un ulteriore vCenter), per il sito di Disaster Recovery si è generata una complicanza collegata all’architettura hardware presente.

L’aggiornamento falliva, poichè era impossibile porre l’host ESX 7.01 in mantenance mode senza di fatto spegnere anche il vCenter-DR che lo gestiva (vedi immagine 1).

Immagine 1

Come è stato possibile superare tale ostacolo senza modificare la configurazione del cluster? (Senza cioè aggiungere un ulteriore Host ESX 7.01)

La procedura che ho seguito è stata semplice e sfrutta la kb 2008939 di Vmware (

Costa di due fasi principali:

  1. Copia del pacchetto Veeam CDP nell’host ESX 7.01 (
  2. Installazione del pacchetto attraverso il  comando “esxcli software vib update -d /yourpath/” (vedi Immagine 2)

Immagine 2

Terminata questa prima fase, è ora stato sufficiente ripetere la procedura standard di aggiornamento (vedi immagini 3,4 e 5).

Immagine 3


Immagine 4


Immagine 5

La verifica che garantisce che la procedura seguita è corretta è quella di realizzare un Job di Replica CDP, attendere che si concluda senza errori e che  sia possibile avviare la procedura di failover.

Nota 1: La procedura di aggiornamento dei I/O filters è disponibile nel manuale alla seguente pagina:     (

Nota 2: Prima di procedere è obbligatorio confrontarvi con il supporto Veeam attraverso l’apertura di un tiket (

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Veeam CDP – Manual Upgrade

In my lab, the Disaster Recovery site consists of a single ESX 7.01 host .

The DR environment is managed by a vCenter , located on the ESX 7.01 host and named vCenter-DR.

Last month Veeam Software released Veeam Backup & Replication version 11 update ( 11A).

Among the various improvements introduced, my attention was focused on the new drivers (called I / O filters ) of the CDP component.

If in the main cluster, the upgrade was simple, immediate, and painless (given the presence of multiple hosts under another vCenter), a complication related to the present architecture was generated for the Disaster Recovery site.

In fact, the update failed, as it was impossible to put the ESX 7.01 host in maintenance mode without actually turning off the vCenter-DR that managed it (see image 1).

Picture 1

Is it possible to overcome the obstacle without adding an additional ESX 7.01 Host to the cluster?

The procedure I followed is simple and uses the Vmware kb 2008939 ( ).

It costs two main stages:

  1. The copy of the Veeam CDP package to the ESX 7.01 host (
  2. The installation through the command “esxcli software vib update -d /yourpath/”

Once the above operation has been completed correctly, from the VBR console it is necessary to repeat the driver update procedure as shown in the next images (2,3 and 4).

image 2


image 3


image 4

The check that guarantees that the procedure followed is correct is to create a CDP Replication Job, wait for it to finish without errors and for the failover procedure to be started.

Note 1 : The I / O filters update procedure is available in the manual on the following page: (

Note 2 : Before proceeding it is mandatory to compare yourself with Veeam support by opening a tiket ( )


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Veeam CDP – Manual Upgrade

In my lab, the Disaster Recovery site consists of a single ESX 7.01 host.

It is managed by a virtual vCenter (called vCenter-DR ), which relates exclusively to the hardware resources made available by the ESX 7.01 host itself.

Last month Veeam Software released the Veeam Backup & Replication 11A update.

Among the various improvements introduced, my attention was focused on the new drivers (called I / O filters ) of the CDP component.

If in the main cluster, the upgrade was simple, immediate, and painless (given the presence of more hosts under an additional vCenter), a complication related to the hardware architecture was generated for the Disaster Recovery site.

The update failed, as it was impossible to put the ESX 7.01 host in maintenance mode without actually turning off the vCenter-DR that managed it (see image 1).

Picture 1

How was it possible to overcome this obstacle without changing the cluster configuration? (I.e. without adding an additional ESX 7.01 Host)

The procedure I followed was simple and uses the Vmware kb 2008939 (

It is composed of two main stages:

  1. Copy the Veeam CDP package to the ESX 7.01 host (
  2. Installation of the package through the command “esxcli software vib update -d /yourpath/” (see Image 2)

Image 2

At the end of this first phase, it was now sufficient to repeat the standard update procedure (see images 3,4, and 5).

Picture 3


Picture 4


Picture 5

The check that guarantees that the procedure followed is correct is to create a CDP Replication Job, wait for it to finish without errors and for the failover procedure to be started.

Note 1: The I / O filters update procedure is available in the manual on the following page: (

Note 2: Before proceeding it is mandatory to open a support ticket to Veeam(

See you soon

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