Veeam Backup for Salesforce – OS update

Nel mio laboratorio è presente un  server Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, sul quale è installato il software Veeam di protezione degli ambienti Salesforce (Veeam Backup for Salesforce).

Durante l’operazione mensile di  aggiornamento del sistema operativo, sono apparsi alcuni errori che non mi hanno permesso il completamento dell’operazione.

L’ output del comando “sudo apt update”,  mostrava tre errori evidenziati nell’immagine 1 con le frecce di colore blue, verde e rosso.

Immagine 1

1. Il primo, (freccia blue) indicava che la firma digitale legata al repository Veeam (“ stable/amd64/ In Release”) non fosse più valida.

2. Il secondo (freccia verde) indicava che anche per il sito Ubuntu-security (“ bionic-security InRelease”) la firma digitale fosse scaduta.

3. Il terzo errore (nella realtà un warning, freccia rossa), indicava che la metodologia di gestione delle chiavi denominata “apt-key” è deprecata consigliando l’ utilizzo di un metodo  più sicuro denominato “trusted.gpg.d”.

Navigando su internet ho trovato le soluzioni che hanno risposto alle mie necessità:

1. Sul sito Veeam è presente la KB2654 che indica come importare una nuova chiave. L’unica vera attenzione è avviare il comando da utente root (vedi immagine 2).

Immagine 2

2. Come mostrato nell’ immagine 3, è sufficiente richiedere l’aggiornamento della chiave inserendo a fine comando l’identificativo richiesto nell’output dell’immagine 1 (freccia verde).

immagine 3

Nota 1: apt-key è un comado utilizzato per gestire un portachiavi di chiavi gpg per apt sicuro. Il portachiavi è conservato nel file ‘/etc/apt/trusted.gpg’ (da non confondere con il correlato ma non molto interessante /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg). Il comando apt-key può essere utilizzato per mostrare le chiavi nel portachiavi e per aggiungere o rimuovere le chiavi.

3. Nell’ultima riga dell’immagine 4 viene indicato il comando che indirizza il warning di sicurezza. Si tratta di copiare il portachiavi (trusted.gpg) all’interno della cartella trusted.gpg.d.

Immagine 4

Nell’articolo “Handeling the apt-key deprecation” trovete tutti i dettagli che illustrano i vantaggi in ambito di sicurezza del nuovo approccio.

Nota 2: Veeam Backup for Salesforce ha un proprio meccanismo  che consente di verificare la presenza di nuove versioni di prodotto e aggiornamenti.

Lo stesso meccanismo consente successivamente di scaricare e  installare i pacchetti software necessari.

Ricordo che sono aggiornamenti di prodotto, non di sistema operativo.

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Veeam Backup for Salesforce – OS update

My lab has an Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS server on which Veeam’s Salesforce environment protection software (Veeam Backup for Salesforce) is installed.

During the monthly operation of updating the operating system, some errors appeared that did not allow me to complete the operation.

The ‘output of the “sudo apt update” command, showed three errors highlighted in image 1 with the blue, green, and red arrows.

Picture 1

1. The first, (blue arrow) indicated that the digital signature linked to the Veeam repository (“ stable/amd64/ In Release”) was no longer valid.

2. The second (green arrow) indicated that the digital signature had also expired for the Ubuntu-security site (“ bionic-security InRelease”).

3. The third error (actually a warning, red arrow), indicated that the key management methodology named“apt-key” is deprecated recommending the ‘use of a more secure method named “trusted.gpg.d”.

Browsing the Internet, I found the solutions that met my needs:

1. The KB2654 on the Veeam website shows how to import a new key. The only real caution is to run the command as the root user (see image 2).

picture 2

2. As shown in ‘image 3, simply request a key update by entering the required identifier at the end of the command in the output of image 1 (green arrow).

image 3

Note 1: apt-key is a comado used to manage a gpg key fob for secure apt. The keychain is stored in the file ‘/etc/apt/trusted.gpg’ (not to be confused with the related but not very interesting /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg). The command apt-key can display the keys in the keyring and add or remove keys.

3. The last line of image 4 shows the command that addresses the security warning. It involves copying the keychain (trusted.gpg) inside the trusted.gpg.d folder.

Picture 4

In the article“Handeling the apt-key deprecation” you will find all the details that illustrate the security benefits of the new approach.

Note 2: Veeam Backup for Salesforce has its own mechanism for checking for new product versions and updates.

The same mechanism later allows the necessary software packages to be downloaded and installed.

I remember that these are product updates, not operating system updates.

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Veeam Backup for Salesforce – OS update

My lab has an Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS server on which Veeam’s Salesforce environment protection software (Veeam Backup for Salesforce) is installed.

During the monthly operation of updating the operating system, some errors appeared that did not allow me to complete the operation.

The ‘output of the “sudo apt update” command, showed three errors highlighted in image 1 with the blue, green, and red arrows.

Picture 1

1. The first, (blue arrow) indicated that the digital signature linked to the Veeam repository (“ stable/amd64/ In Release”) was no longer valid.

2. The second (green arrow) indicated that the digital signature had also expired for the Ubuntu-security site (“ bionic-security InRelease”).

3. The third error (actually a warning, red arrow), indicated that the key management methodology named“apt-key” is deprecated recommending the ‘use of a more secure method named “trusted.gpg.d”.

Browsing the Internet, I found the solutions that met my needs:

1. The KB2654 on the Veeam website shows how to import a new key. The only real caution is to run the command as the root user (see image 2).

picture 2

2. As shown in ‘image 3, simply request a key update by entering the required identifier at the end of the command in the output of image 1 (green arrow).

image 3

Note 1: apt-key is a comado used to manage a gpg key fob for secure apt. The keychain is stored in the file ‘/etc/apt/trusted.gpg’ (not to be confused with the related but not very interesting /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg). The command apt-key can display the keys in the keyring and add or remove keys.

3. The last line of image 4 shows the command that addresses the security warning. It involves copying the keychain (trusted.gpg) inside the trusted.gpg.d folder.

Picture 4

In the article“Handeling the apt-key deprecation” you will find all the details that illustrate the security benefits of the new approach.

Note 2: Veeam Backup for Salesforce has its own mechanism for checking for new product versions and updates.

The same mechanism later allows the necessary software packages to be downloaded and installed.

I remember that these are product updates, not operating system updates.

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